Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Child abuse and neglect are a violation of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as to their physical, social and emotional development. This type of abuse and neglect are of concern throughout the world. The Australian International School Malaysia endorses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 19 and 34), of which our host country, Malaysia, is a signatory.

Australian International School Malaysia has a comprehensive and regularly updated policy for Safeguarding, which can be accessed through the Parent Handbook.

  • Australian International School Malaysia strives to provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating learning environment for all the students in its care. The physical, social, emotional and academic needs of the child are at the centre of what guides our work.
  • Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as their physical, emotional and social development.
  • Physical forms of discipline, including spanking, hitting or slapping, are not permitted at any time by any person on school premises.
  • AISM recognises the importance of establishing clear guidelines and steps to help identify children who may be in need of help and protection, and inform and empower all those adults who work with the children to recognise the signs of child neglect and abuse and to respond quickly and appropriately to minimise the risk of further harm to the child.
  • This policy applies to all staff including contracted, sub-contracted, and volunteers who work at the school.
  • All students are entitled to protection irrespective of culture, race or religion.
  • To provide a safe learning environment for all the children at the school.
  • To establish the appropriate actions the school can take to ensure that children remain safe at school or while supervised by school staff off the school campus.
  • To raise the awareness of all members of staff to the issues of abuse and neglect and to clarify their roles and responsibilities in reporting possible cases of abuse.
  • To provide clear and concrete steps for staff to follow if they encounter a situation where abuse is reported or the staff member has reason to believe abuse or neglect may have occurred.

If any member of the School community has concerns about the safety and/or well-being of a student, please contact: