Simon Brooks, Principal

Thinking for Learning


This year at AISM I am inviting all of our staff, students and parents to dig deep into our theme for 2022, ‘Thinking for Learning’.


This theme is built on the foundations of one of our core beliefs here at AISM: that learning is a consequence of thinking. We believe that meaningful, powerful learning is much more likely to take place when learners are asked to think in a whole variety of different ways about the content they are exploring.


For example, let’s imagine that I’m a student in a Year 2 class learning about fairy tales. Because my teacher believes that learning is a consequence of thinking, I’m going to be doing a whole lot of thinking about this topic! After listening to a couple of fairy tales, perhaps I’ll be asked to surface all of the questions and wonderings that are coming up for me about the genre. Perhaps I’ll be asked to make connections between these fairy tales to see what they have in common, and identify what makes them different. Maybe I’ll be asked to evaluate which one is most successful, and explain what makes me think that. Maybe we’ll be asked as a class to come up with our collective definition of what constitutes a fairy tale, explaining how they are constructed and why they exist. After all of this thinking, I’m going to have developed a much deeper and richer understanding of fairy tales than I might have done otherwise!


This year, all of our teachers at AISM are exploring how strategies and approaches developed by educators from Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education can help us bump up and enrich the thinking that happens in our classrooms in service of fostering deep learning and cultivating even more engagement in our classrooms.


What can we do as parents and guardians?

Here’s something that we can all try, whatever age our children might be.

When we catch up with our children at the end of a school day, many of us are in the habit of asking questions like, “How was school?”, or “What did you learn about today?”

As an alternative, try asking, “What great questions did you ask at school today?”

When we ask our children this question, we send them a powerful message. We let them know that learning isn’t just about what we are told, but about becoming curious, inquiring young people. 

If they can’t think of anything, don’t give up. Ask them again tomorrow. And again the next day. They’ll soon get the message. Who knows what interesting conversations you might end up having with them.

Do let me know if you try this strategy with your own children. I’ll be delighted to hear any stories you might have to share!


AISM COVID-19 SOPs and Quarantine Guide


At AISM we are committed to ensuring that our school is a safe place for all of our students to come together as a learning community.


To this end, we have prepared our COVID-19 SOPs and Quarantine Guide to ensure that everyone in our community is in receipt of the most recent guidance about what to do should any of our students test positive, or be identified as a close or casual contact.


To access this guide, please click here to download the document. You’ll be directed to our AISM Parents’ Site, where you will be required to sign in using your parent account. On the Parents’ Site page, please access the final Quick Link, ‘AISM COVID-19 SOPs and Quarantine Guide’. From here, you can download the document containing all of the information you need about testing and quarantining procedures.


This guide will be updated whenever we are in receipt of new information from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health which is relevant to our school community.


In the event of your child testing positive, please let us know as soon as possible so we can take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the safety of everyone in our community.


For further information and support, do not hesitate to contact us directly at the school through the deputy heads of school:


Junior School: Leigh Janett (

MSS School: James Unsworth (