Accreditations & Membership

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) replaced the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES). NESA sets and monitors quality teaching, learning, assessment and school standards.
AISM is registered and accredited with NESA to deliver the Australian, New South Wales (NSW) curriculum.
Council of International Schools
The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a global non profit organisation and the pre-eminent international school accreditation body.
Since 2013, AISM is one of 522 accredited member schools, out of 733 CIS member schools in 116 countries. Our accreditation demonstrates our commitment to high quality international education and its continuous development.

Visible Learning School
Our partner, Visible Learningplus delivers professional learning in 20+ countries across North America, Europe, and the Pacific. Professor John Hattie of the University of Melbourne, Australia, is the founder of Visible Learning approach and is a global authority on education effectiveness. Read more about our Visible Learning approach here.
AISM has implemented the Visible Learning approach since 2016 and today is recognised as the first certified Visible Learning School in the world.

Duke Of Edinburgh’s International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, every year inspires hundreds of thousands of young people, from all walks of life, to explore who they are, grow in confidence and develop the skills they need to successfully navigate life. The Award challenges and supports young people to develop talents and challenge themselves in: Sporting Activities, Skill Development, Service to others and undertaking Adventurous Journeys. At AISM we are proud to deliver the award and give our students this rewarding opportunity.

Eco-Schools Programme
Eco-Schools is an international programme of environmental and sustainable developmental education for schools. At the heart of The Eco-Schools program is the largest project-based environmental and sustainable development education programme for schools in the world. The Green Growth Asia Foundation was entrusted with oversight of the Eco-Schools program in Malaysia and the Australian International School Malaysia is one of the first schools to be credited with the Bronze award under their stewardship.

Ministry Of Education 5 Star Award
In 2012, AISM was awarded the prestigious 5 Star Quality Standards Award for Private Education Institutions by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE). Given to only 15 of the 63 international and independent schools in the state of Selangor, this reaffirms our place as one of the top schools in Malaysia.
This award is based on school performance; which assesses using 15 criterias such as curriculum, teaching and learning, teacher development, health services and discipline.

Australian International Schools Association (AISA)
As a member of the Australian International Schools Association (AISA), this privileged membership gives our students the opportunity to collaborate and compete regionally in sport, arts and other activities.
AISA has a total of 10 member schools in the Asian and Middle East region. AISM participates in the annual AISA Games organised in the different Australian schools and offers professional development opportunities for teachers as well.
Association of International Malaysian Schools (AIMS)
AIMS is a non-profit making membership organisation, dedicated to the advancement of international education in Malaysia.
With more than 30 member schools, they offer opportunities for professional development for teachers, best practice sharings, job-alike workshops, sports and music opportunities for students. AIMS has successfully organised an annual AISM Music Competition in which our students have competed in as well as won awards.

International Schools Athletic Conference
International Schools Athletic Conference (ISAC) membership provides regular quality athletic competition in a well-chaperoned environment for the international school students in Kuala Lumpur.
Competitions offered includes athletics, softball, badminton, rugby, soccer, cross country, basketball and swimming.
ISAC Member Schools are International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), Garden International School (GIS), Alice Smith School (KLASS), Mont Kiara International School (MKIS), Tenby International School (TIS), Nexus International School Putrajaya (NIS) and The Australian International School Malaysia (AISM).

World Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA)
World Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA) is a member-based organization made up of 39 U.S. states, territories and federal agencies with 400 member schools. They are dedicated to the research, design and implementation of a high-quality, standards-based system for PreK-12 English language.
Having this membership means having access to WIDA’s leading educational tools, assessments and professional development opportunities.