How to
Get Involved
As an international school, we are fortunate to have a diverse community of parents who are bonded by a common goal: their children. Through this community, many new parents find this a great way to help settle in.
Informal gatherings are one of the ways many new parents make friends here, as our existing parents are always keen to offer support and advice.
The Cabarita Café is one of the more common locations for parents to meet up while waiting for their children. School activities are also encouraged for parent participation, as they are always welcomed to our assemblies or performances.
What Does The
PTC do?
Community Events

Bake Sales

Mother’s Day stalls and the Father’s Day Breakfast

International Day
PTC Committee Structure
The PTC Committee consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members. Every year, nominations for the positions of Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are requested at the end of the year and announced at the AGM held in November.
The current officeholders’ photos and names are displayed on the PTC noticeboard outside near the Middle and Senior School access gate. You will often see them around the school, so please say hello! They are always happy to help out with any questions you have.

PTC Meetings
PTC meetings are held each term, based on the set dates listed on the Term Calendar.
We encourage parents to attend meetings the open and events as it is a great opportunity to hear first hand discussions between the school’s management and the parent community.

Roles in the PTC
Our class parents help support teachers through emailing other parents to remind them about upcoming events and excursions. They also arrange coffee mornings or lunches to help new and old families build connections.
At the beginning of every school year, the PTC asks for volunteers to take on these roles. In the Junior School we have a class parent for every class, while in the Middle and Senior School, we request a year level parent for each year group.
If you are unsure of who your class parent or representative is, or if you’d like to volunteer, please get in touch with our Parent Teacher and Community committee.
The first move to a new country can be very overwhelming. We have a network of parents who live in different areas, and can help you find things you need, particularly when setting up your new home.
Get in touch with our PTC and we will find an area link parent to help you with the settling in process.
We welcome more area link parent volunteers, so please email us us if you can help.
For our non-English native speaking parents, we have appointed language representative parents who can help you with general enquiries about AISM or living in Malaysia. Most of these parents are volunteers, who agree to be the point of contact for parents of the same language or cultural background.
Currently we have Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish and Korean speakers. If your language isn’t listed, please let us know and we will try to help you.
Reach out to our PTC to ask for a language rep parent contact or to volunteer.
Our parents regularly volunteer help to the library where their support is greatly appreciated in covering books and organising displays. Visit our library staff to learn more about how you can help.