English As An
Language (EAL)
For our students who need help with improving their English proficiency, we provide EAL support. Our EAL teachers are trained in teaching English to children of non-English speaking backgrounds.
English Class
The Intensive English Support Class (IESC) programme, which is offered in the Middle and Senior School for Years 6 - 9, was designed and created to cater for students with limited or developing English language abilities.
As part of the programme, students receive both academic and social English language exposure. The programme is designed to allow students to have the best of both worlds, with IESC learners taking on a hybrid-subject load where they participate in fully mainstream subjects such as Mathematics, Visual Arts, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Technologies whilst also attending IESC lessons (in lieu of other mainstream subjects such as Science, Humanities and English).
This hybrid model of intensive English intervention provides the opportunity for limited English proficiency learners joining AISM, to integrate effectively into the community via their participation in day-to-day school life alongside their peers, whilst also receiving the dedicated support they require in order to access the English-based curriculum.
The unique structure of the IESC programme allows for new students to slowly adjust to the Australian curriculum and the unique culture of AISM, whilst concurrently developing their English language abilities in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Learning Support
There is no Special Needs department in our school. However, we have learning enrichment teachers to cater for students with mild learning
needs where the school is able. Opportunities for children needing
support are subject to the School’s capacity and student’s individual
For details, please contact our Admissions Department.

Enrichment &
We believe that through exposure, students benefit from possible new interest areas into, through and beyond the core curriculum. At AISM, students are given the opportunity to deepen areas of interest through school and community-based enrichment opportunities.