A Robust
The Australian Curriculum teaches our students to think and learn for themselves. Combined with Visible Learning techniques, we help our students develop the skills they need to be successful 21st century global citizens.
Why Choose Our Middle & Senior School
We create independent thinkers, preparing your child for 21st century success.

Develop High Order
Thinking Skills
An important part of the Australian curriculum and essential for 21st century success. Students are taught Visible Thinking Routines to help develop critical thinking

Develop Content
The ability to understand, analyse and present their ideas

Leadership Skills
Essential skills for future leaders that can be developed through varied opportunities available at AISM
Middle School (Year 6 - 8)
Support and challenge your child in transition to secondary school
Over the Middle School years, we work to help develop increasing academic and social independence in our students, readying them for the rigours of Senior School.
In Middle School, your child will study a range of subjects which will give them a breadth of understanding, laying an important foundation for later success. In Years 9 and 10 they will start specialising and choose elective subjects.

Middle School Subjects
Students have a homeroom teacher who teaches them for at least one other subject and specialist teachers for all other subjects.
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Science — Geography and History
- Languages Other Than English (LOTE):Bahasa Malaysia, French, Chinese
- Malaysian Cultural Studies
- Technology
- Design & Technology
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
- Creative & Performing Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama)
- Access to gifted and talented programs
- Access to international competitions such as World Scholars Cup, Model UnitedNations and more
- Advanced Mathematics and Mandarin from Year 6 onwards
AISM offers streaming in terms of Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Mathematics and Mandarin starting from Middle School.
- Free Maths Support offered by our Maths teachers (during recess & after school)
In the Middle School, there is an emphasis on researching and analysing information and using critical and creative thinking skills as a basis of the research. Students do this by undertaking inquiry projects that are embedded in the curriculum.

Senior School (Year 9 - 10)
Challenging our learners with a rigorous internationally recognised qualification
From Year 9 onwards, we help your child to further develop the discipline and high order thinking skills they need for university and careers.
In the Australian education, students can complete up to 13 years of schooling, which culminates in the internationally recognised New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC). In Years 9 and 10, students study core subjects as well as electives, in preparation for further specialisation in the Higher School Certificate, which is equivalent to the A-Levels or IB Diploma.

Senior School Subjects
Core Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
- Advanced Mathematics and Mandarin from Year 6 onwards
AISM offers streaming in terms of Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Mathematics and Mandarin starting from Middle School.
- Free Maths Support offered by our Maths teachers (during recess & after school)
- SPM Bahasa & History (for Year 9 and 10 Malaysians)
The Ministry of Education of Malaysia has allowed Malaysian students enrolled at AISM to sit the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations for Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) and Sejarah (History), starting in 2020. This is for students who are considering a career in Malaysian civil service (eg. doctors, lawyers). In order to prepare Malaysian students for the Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah SPM examinations, a combined Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah elective course will be available, for Year 9 and 10 Malaysian students. Students will have the option of selecting Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah as one of their three electives. This elective course will also cover Malaysian Studies requirements.
Elective Subjects
Students choose 3 elective subjects. Subjects currently available are:
- Commerce
- Creative & Performing Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama)
- Academic Support
- Information and Software Technology
- Physical Activity and Sports Studies
- Design & Technology
- Languages - French and Chinese

At AISM, assessments are designed to help students understand their progress towards their outcomes.
Ongoing Assessment
Student gaps become targets for future learning and the learning cycle begins again. We assess students' achievement through assignments, research tasks, oral presentations, group work and examinations.
School Reports
Every semester, our teachers compile a report that lets you know how your child is progressing through the outcomes for each subject, describing their strengths and weaknesses.
Parent-teacher-student conferences
Good communication with your child’s class teacher is essential. Our school conducts parent-teacher conferences twice each year to discuss students' progress.
International Schools' Assessment (ISA)
Each October, all Year 6 to Year 10 students complete the ISA in mathematics, reading and writing. The assessment test is used diagnostically, to identify and address any areas of comparative weakness.