Building Creativity
At AISM, your child can participate in music, drama, dance and visual arts activities. Engagement in quality arts education has positive effects on overall academic achievement, engagement in learning and development of empathy.
Music & The Arts Highlights At AISM
Visual Arts
Visual arts help develop self-confidence and encourage creativity among
our students, both crucial to their development.
Junior School
Art Competition
Our Junior School holds its own art competition every year where the
winning art pieces are displayed in the school grounds for parents and
visitors to see.

Performing Arts
The performing arts play a major part in learning in our school, as they encourage
exploration and creativity – both important skills for success in the 21st century.
Years 7 To 8
Our Drama classes, conducted by specialist teachers, help
students develop performance, play building and creative
thinking skills. They will be exposed to a variety of historical and
contemporary theatrical styles and traditions, which gives them
valuable opportunities to experience and build skills in self-
expression and imagination.

Years 9 To 12
Senior students may elect drama as part of the Higher School
Certificate allowing them to continue studying in these areas at
a tertiary level. Some well-known plays that have been staged
at AISM, which include Addams Family, Mammamia, Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ and The Brothers Grimm ‘Spectaculathon’.

Developing budding musicians — Our music lessons include music appreciation,
theory and opportunities for our students to perform and celebrate their skills.
Foundation to Year 5
Music lessons for Early Learning Centre up to Year 2 include
singing, movement and percussion instruments.
Students are given the skills and freedom to explore a range of
musical instruments. In Years 3 and 4, your child will join the
string program where they learn to play either violin or cello.
In Year 5, they can play in a band or orchestra, depending on
their interest.

Year 6 to 12
In Middle and Senior schools, students study music as a
curriculum subject.
They take study units such as film, music, world music,
Australian music and rock music. Students will compose,
perform and listen to music from a wide variety of style.

AISM Instrumental
Music Academy