Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief
20 Feb 2023
Farm to Plate
27 Mar 2023
“When do we start when it comes to planting?
The answer is this: Directly in the ground and garden beds! Here at AISM Living Campus, we practise a green and sustainable method that respects our environment and Mother Nature. With that vision in mind, there are steps that we must respect. The first step is the preparation of the ground and for that we only use natural organic compost. This helps the soil to gain all organic nutrients that in return helps to grow healthy plants. We learnt organic composting using red worms to process our biodegradable materials. For our nursery we use our magic combination of natural compost and vermicompost for germination and first steps of growing plants.
In Term 3 we are exploring 2 different areas to practise our sustainable planting method. We are using direct ground planting at our car park. Secondly, we are using our garden beds next to the canteen.
Park Ground: Students from Junior School planted lemongrass and mexican mint.
Results: We will see the “greens” happening very soon; we can already witness the changes from previous activities.
Garden Beds: Preparation of the garden beds using inhouse biodegradable materials, green and brown from our garden and carton boxes from the canteen. We are at the start of the sustainable method of planting.
Next phase: We will be using natural organic compost to fill up our garden beds. Happy Living Campus!